How to add SecurityEdge to allow our site on our business Internet? Here is how,

Please log in your Comcast business Account:

After you log in, make sure you go correct location where you want to do update your internet. Scrolling down to Subscribed Services ⇾ SecuirtyEdge.

After you click that SecuirtyEdge(

Go over to Block and Allow list

Put your website on that Check URL text box then click Check

then make sure you click allow, so we can access your site from your stores or office.

So yes you notice we disable our SecuirtyEdge because we had our own 3 DNS Server .

After you publish and save it will take about 30 min to effect your stores or office’s modem to update then it will unblock/SSL invalid will not show that no more.

If you still face the issue, I am happy and swing by and work that out for you to get it success website for every customer view.