Tag: Mariadb

  • How to set up MariaDB with Portainer Stacks +(Docker-compose)

    We’re using MariaDB for our business because it’s meant for big business, and it’s my favorite database to use for small businesses. And I have a lot of skill experience with MariaDB than any other database, but few other databases are lacking in my experience. Therefore, I do not have sufficient time to undertake these…

  • How to set up PhpMyAdmin with MariaDB on Portainer with NGINX Proxy Manger.

    PhpMyAdmin is easy to set up for any app and fix the table database or troubleshoot. So, we will set up PhpMyAdmin with NGINX SSL secure for our HTTPS. Due to the possibility of a grabber username and password exploit, we would prefer not to expose this on HTTP. Please ensure that you complete this…